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About the Hudson Riding Club

Mission Statement:

The objective of the Hudson Riding Club is to promote the art of horsemanship and friendship amongst its member and friends. Our horsemanship is dedicated to English-style drill-riding traditions handed down from the former Swiss cavalry. Friendship amongst members and their families is fostered through a number of traditional social events throughout the year.

Further Information:

The Hudson Riding Club is a Swiss horseback riding club located in Northern New Jersey. It draws riders from the entire NYC Area, even Pennsylvania. We ride weekly and organize regular social events as well as rides abroad. For more information about the HRC, we cordially invite you to explore our site www.hudsonridingclub.com.

Founded in 1901 the HRC has a rich history in tradition and of promoting the art of horsemanship and friendship amongst its members and their families. Members meet one evening per week for a one-hour ride. These rides take place at the Essex Equestrian Center in West Orange, New Jersey, a short distance from Manhattan. All interested in the "king of sports and the sport of kings" are invited to contact the Riding Master or the Secretary at the following address: secretary@hudsonridingclub.com.

The riding season begins in October and runs until June. Since we ride in an indoor heated hall, riding can take place throughout the winter season. The club practices English horsemanship. At the command of the riding master, the riders perform various group and individual exercises. At the close of the season, we occasionally perform in front of family members and friends.

Annually, the HRC organizes an extended trip. This is usually a week of riding through picturesque landscapes in Europe. Rides have taken place in Ireland, France, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, and the USA. Non-riding spouses are welcome on these rides. A separate sightseeing program is organized for the non-riding spouses and friends (passive members), who usually join these trips. The riders get to test their abilities on varying terrain. The trip locations are also chosen for their historical and gastronomical considerations. These rides are one of the many the highlights of the club.

The HRC practices several traditional Swiss customs. An open-fire Raclette Party is held in early November in Morristown, NJ. In December, Santa Claus pays a visit to a cocktail and dinner party. The end of the riding season is celebrated by a Closing Ride Party in June. 
Riding also continues into the summer. The rides are then held on Sundays, generally around the Morristown area.

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